DocSend 新闻

使用 DocSend 电子签名推动业务向前发展

通过 DocSend 电子签名,决策者和交易者都可以管理从计划书到已签署协议在内的关键业务文档。
Peter LaBerge
eSignature for NDA, SOW, contract

Maybe you’re looking to move a deal or partnership through the pipeline and into execution. Maybe you’re looking to test pre-released product features, and you need to send NDAs to product testers. Or you could be a business leader looking to easily manage your company’s SOW flow. We’ve got good news. You don't have to sacrifice file control and security to get NDAs, SOWs, and contracts signed ever again.

我们很高兴将 DocSend 电子签名添加到我们的 Standard、Advanced 和 Enterprise 套餐中。通过 DocSend 电子签名,决策者和交易者都可以管理从计划书到已签署协议在内的关键业务文档。

Users can expect to easily convert any qualified document in DocSend into a signable document. Once signed, each person will receive a link to download the document for their records. And because we know an audit trail is important, you'll also receive all the pertinent signer events. It’s that easy.


Here's how everyone from the C-Suite to HR can use DocSend eSignature to streamline their workflow and become more efficient.


作为一名业务领导者,您的职责是确保一切顺利进行,确保您的团队拥有取得成功所需的资源。其中一部分是引入代理机构和承包商,以便在您需要时为贵企业提供帮助。但是,本应直截了当的过程可能会陷入到底是选用工作说明书还是保密协议的困境。DocSend 电子签名使您能够采用无缝、安全的方法实施工作说明书管理。将您的文件转换为具有法律约束力的可签名文档,并在几分钟内从您的计算机或移动设备安全地共享该文档。


When a sales deal is in motion, the last thing you want is a speed bump. With DocSend’s real-time activity notifications, it's easy to know when to follow up. DocSend gives you real-time view notifications and page-by-page insight into how long prospects spent reviewing your agreement. Once it’s time to strike a deal, DocSend’s robust security enhancements enable prospects to access contracts simply and securely. (And don’t worry—as negotiation unfolds and progresses, version control is a snap.)

另外,如何巩固与营销或产品合作伙伴的合作伙伴关系?别担心。DocSend 电子签名不仅是实现无缝工作说明书管理的理想选择,也是实现一种轻松、可扩展的保密协议管理的理想选择。


如果您是一名积极物色潜在公司买家的银行家,那么您很幸运。猜迷游戏到此结束。DocSend 电子签名使像您这样的银行家能够根据实时的逐页文档参与度分析,可靠地评估潜在买家的兴趣和意图。

在发送专有信息之前,为什么不使用 DocSend 发送一份可签名的保密协议?


It's easy to tell when a candidate is engaged when you can see how they interact with your recruiting materials. DocSend’s activity engagement notifications give you with the inside look to turn your best candidates into your new coworkers.

现在,有了 DocSend 电子签名,录用通知书也不例外。在使用 PDF 电子邮件附件时,您无法了解招聘过程的最关键阶段。但是,DocSend 电子签名会为您提供实时通知,因此您始终能够掌握候选人的进展情况。

开始使用 DocSend 电子签名

用户可以从 DocSend 安全地转换和共享可签名文档,同时保留在大多数设备上跟踪访问和收集签名的功能。电子签名功能允许一方签字,对双方都具有法律约束力。要了解如何在几分钟内发送第一个可签名的 DocSend 文档,并了解有关 DocSend 用户和签字人要求的更多信息,请点击此处

无论您是签署还是发送保密协议、工作说明书、内部人力资源协议、录用通知书、协议执行或其他文档,DocSend 电子签名都能确保您推动业务向前发展。开始使用我们的 Standard、Advanced 和 Enterprise 套餐

Users can also share multiple documents in a data room as a single link. These documents can include Excel files, presentations, word documents, files from Dropbox, and more.

如果您在其中一个套餐中没有帐户,并且希望利用 DocSend 电子签名,可以点击此处进行升级。否则,建议您请求电子签名演示,或致电 (888) 258-5951 联系我们。我们期待您的回复!

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