Introducing Manager Insights
Your sales content - and your sales team - live in DocSend. With Manager Insights, you can easily track content usage and visitor activity across your entire team.
Actionable insights to drive your team to success
Your sales material lives in DocSend, your sales team lives in DocSend. There's lots of important stuff going on in there. But how do you can you put all that information together to make your team more successful?
Today we're excited to announce a whole new set of features designed to help sales managers do just that:
Access visit activity across your team: Managers can now see links and visits from across the team when looking at team documents.
New Teammate activity page: Managers can now view which documents a given teammate is using most.
New Document Utilization tab: Anyone on the team (Members and Managers alike) can now view link creation and visit activity by teammate for each team document.
Let's have a look in more detail.
The Manager Role
The new Manager account role joins the ranks of the other two account roles, Owner and Member. Your team can have as many Members and Managers as you wish, but only one Owner. The only difference between the Manager role and the Owner role is that the Owner has access to team billing information. As an existing Owner simply go to your team management page to make others on your team Managers as needed.
Understand how deals are progressing
So, you've got a big deal in the pipeline that you're particularly nervous about closing. The quarter is coming to an end, and you want to make sure your team hits their numbers. You've gotten word that things are heading in the right direction, but how can you be sure?
With Manager Insights, as a Manager you can now easily search for anything (name, email address, document or link name) and see results across the team. This makes it easy to get a quick temperature read on any deal. Diving into a contact that your teammate has been working with, you can quickly confirm how engaged they are and get a better sense of your likelihood to close.

Understand teammate activity
So, you just had your quarterly reviews, and it's clear that some of your team members are performing better than others. What's their secret sauce? The Team page now includes each teammate's recent activity by links created and visits generated:

As a Manager you can drill down on any team member to see which documents they're using most as well as which documents have had the most visits:

This can be a great way to surface "anti-patterns" or inefficiencies in the sales process: you might notice that certain teammates aren't making much use of shared content in your team folders and instead relying on content they've created themselves. This could be a great opportunity for your team to get on the same page and create some common team documents that everyone can use.
Understand content utilization
Marketing spends a ton of time creating content to drive the best leads and enable sales. But how can you be sure that content is being used in the way you expect, or even being used at all? Manager Insights offers a new Utilization tab for each team document (i.e. document in a team folder), showing you how that document is being used across the team, both by links created and visits generated.
Because document usage can help reinforce best practices during the sales process, we're making this new tab available to the whole team, both Members and Managers. For new members of your team in particular, knowing which team documents are most heavily used and by whom can help guide decisions about which documents to use. Couple this with Document Notes, and new hire onboarding just got way easier.

Looking at how your team is using a particular document can also help highlight whether the content is underperforming or whether it's being used incorrectly. A large links-to-visits ratio can be a great indicator here. This is a great opportunity to dig in to understand whether the content needs to be reworked (and, if so, the Performance tab right next to the Utilization tab will show you where visitors are dropping off) or whether the problem lies in where in the sales process the document is being used. For example, perhaps price sheets are being circulated too early in the process.
Manager Insights are available today as part of the DocSend Business and DocSend Enterprise plans. Interested in scheduling a demo? Just let us know.