
使用 DocSend 跟踪您不知道的六件事

安全文件共享只是文档共享工具提供的众多功能之一。以下是关于使用 DocSend 进行跟踪您不知道的六件事。
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Dropbox DocSend
track with DocSend

The value that document sharing tools deliver is clear: Replacing vulnerability and risk with peace of mind, it gives businesses and entrepreneurs alike a secure foundation to exchange confidential and proprietary information. 

When it comes to the benefits gained from DocSend, secure file sharing is only the tip of the iceberg. Its robust analytics and dashboards unlock key insights you can use to refine pitch strategies, speed deal cycles, improve content quality, and follow up more proactively with stakeholders. You can use DocSend to surface countless nuggets of intel—here are six lesser-known areas of insight you can track.

Who’sactuallyengaging with your content

Sharing content via custom links and virtual data rooms is fast and easy—but do you know who’s actually taking the time to view it? Digging into DocSend analytics lets you see who’s interacting with the content you’re sending. In this way, it gives teams x-ray vision into how viewers are engaging with their shared documents. It lets you quickly and easily answer questions like:: 

  • Did my customer view the project proposal I sent last week? 

  • Who else is part of the review process for the sales contract? 

  • Did that investor ever peek at my pitch deck like they promised? 

Document-level analytics give you a real-time picture of engagement, allowing you to filter views at the virtual data room level or by individual content files. Plus, if you’ve enabled the “require email to view” feature, you can see who your content has been shared with. This is especially helpful during a deal cycle when new stakeholders can enter the conversation unexpectedly. 

Securely send and track with spreadsheet sharing controls



On the flip side, folks who spend large amounts of time engaging with your content—reading documents and watching videos from start to finish—often signal high interest and are, thus, people you should focus more time and energy on. 


Likewise, measuring time spent per page via DocSend dashboards gives you a clear line of sight into where different folks choose to spend their time and what they prioritize. This insight can be used in a variety of ways, such as proactively scheduling a follow-up call with a prospect who’s been spending 75% of their time viewing your pricing page. Or prepping for a second conversation with a VC who’s looking closely at your business model slide. If you’re working with multiple stakeholders at the same company, you can also compare their time spent to understand their unique interests and tailor your conversations accordingly. 


You can also track and measure your top-performing pages, replicating successful formats and structures to improve the quality of existing sales and marketing materials. Here, you can uncover insight into content types that resonate most across your audience reach. 


谁正在查看(和重新查看)您的视频 - 以及更多方面!

Videos are a key sales prospecting tool, and you can use DocSend analytics to improve the quality of your videos and how prospects engage with them. Tracking engagement and performance will help you prioritize your leads and save hours of wasted effort. Here are some of the video engagement metrics DocSend lets you track. 

For each visit you’ll be able to track: 

  • 每次访问的回放时间

  • 每次访问的回放百分比

  • 用户信息,包括设备、操作系统、位置和电子邮件地址

  • 访问过程中的回放细节,包括暂停、回放和跳过的内容部分


  • 视频文件的访问次数

  • 访问者观看视频的平均百分比

  • 按版本汇总整个视频的收视率

  • 访问地图,提供有关查看者所在位置的洞见

您还可以查看多个视频版本的总观看统计数据,以了解最常见的查看量下降点。您可以使用这些信息消除出现分歧或造成困惑的内容 - 分享更高质量的视频,从而吸引更多潜在客户。


DocSend’s new Spreadsheet sharing controls feature allows you to maintain control over sensitive business content and access detailed insight into how viewers engage with what you’ve shared. 

当您通过传统的共享平台发送电子表格时,您只能知道是否有人打开了您的文档。而 DocSend 的逐选项卡分析功能可以让您看到每位查看者在每个选项卡上花费的时间,从而帮助您深入了解他们真正感兴趣的内容。

您还可以设置特定于查看者的权限,以确保每位查看者都拥有适当的查看权限,同时还能为查看者创建自定义链接,使每位查看者都拥有自己的权限。如果您担心敏感文件落入不法者之手,可以利用 DocSend 的电子表格共享控制功能。该功能支持您发送只能在接收者的浏览器中查看的电子表格,以防他们下载或分发您的敏感数据。

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