Captain Experiences 是一个平台,通过让人们无缝地预订户外运动指南,为每个人解锁户外运动。Captain Experiences 提供遍布美国和其他国家的旅行,通过简化审查和提供优秀的预订保险指南,减轻规划旅行的压力。Captain Experiences 首先专注于美国各地的钓鱼活动,目前正在迅速扩展到所有户外运动和地域。
在使用 DocSend 之前,联合创始人兼首席执行官 Jonathan Newar 要求律师在 DocuSign 上收集保密协议以及投资者协议的签名。他们的时间很昂贵,“让他们收集签名会花费好几百美元,”Jonathan 分享道。该团队需要更经济高效的解决方案来归集外部文档和收集电子签名。
The team turned to DocSend’s easy-to-use secure document sharing and eSignature solution that would grow and scale alongside Captain Experiences. “Not only is DocSend intuitive and easy to use but it also allows us to close deals faster," Jonathan shared.
通过 DocSend 融资网络收获了 200 万美元的种子基金投资和持久的伙伴关系
当 Jonathan 第一次测试他的商业计划书时,他依靠 DocSend 融资网络对那些在市场投资和户外活动上统一行动的投资者们进行了充满激情的初步介绍。对投资者的初步介绍帮助 Jonathan 了解了什么是有效内容,并完善了他的商业计划书,以开启未来的对话。这些充满激情的介绍最终赢得了 200 万美元的种子基金投资。DocSend 的 Pitch Deck Analyzer 提供数据驱动的洞察力,帮助 Jonathan 等创始人最好地传达他们的任务和业务目标,以进行种子前和种子轮的融资。
Through the DocSend Fundraising Network, we fielded multiple high-value intros to VC's excited about Captain Experiences. These intros led to relationships we continue to cultivate- hearing directly from VC's on traction benchmarks they're keying on allows us to firm up our fundraising strategy and our deck.
As a result of being part of the DFN, Jonathan secured his first institutional investor meetings that were critical to the early traction of Captain Experiences. “It was fantastic to get access to warm introductions with DocSend early on in our growth,” Jonathan shared. The DFN introduced Jonathan to 8 VCs, which led to multiple meetings and follow-ups. "The DFN provided introductions to industry-leading, brand-name VCs that we otherwise would have had to reach out to cold or network tirelessly to connect with. We met with a handful of funds through the DFN and ended up signing with our lead investor," Jonathan shared. These meetings were fundamental to the company’s early fundraising success and provided detailed feedback that helped Jonathan ultimately fundraise successfully. Additionally, a connection Jonathan made through the DFN made countless other introductions, which helped the team close their seed round.
The DFN provided data-driven feedback that was integral to improving investor views on subsequent versions of Jonathan’s pitch deck. While early slides on traction, team, business model, and "the ask" were in good shape, the data-driven feedback provided by DFN suggested that earlier versions of the pitch deck had too few product slides. Using those insights, Jonathan added a product roadmap slide to the appendix. “Thanks to DocSend analytics, I know that this is one of our most viewed slides and it gives us a chance to present our execution progress and future rollouts to investors,” Jonathan shared.
Jonathan 最初开始联系投资者时,他每天需要发送数百封电子邮件。他知道必须要有更简化的方法来开展业务。
在休斯顿与一位创始人交谈后,Jonathan 了解到他可以如何使用 DocSend 更轻松地管理和分享他的商业计划书版本。当 Jonathan 开始使用该产品时,他能够在 DocSend 中无缝地更新商业计划书内容并进行后续编辑,即使这些内容已经递送到投资者的收件箱。在 DocSend 的帮助下,Jonathan 可以通过添加密码和电子邮件验证来保护其商业计划书中的敏感信息,以确保合适的投资者可以查看他的商业计划书。
此前,Jonathan 确定他是否会跟进某个投资者完全是碰运气。他对是否有人打开他的商业计划书以及计划书的哪些部分与他正在预订的对话最为相关一无所知。为了给他的公司带来利益和财务支持,Jonathan 需要对他的商业计划书有深入的了解,以打造与风投公司的个性化对话。
DocSend 使一切变得不同。Jonathan 在 DocSend 中向一位风投伙伴发送了一份商业计划书,他看到投资者在讨论单位经济效益的宣传资料上花了最多的时间。当 Jonathan 与那位合伙人会面时,他使用文档分析事先做好了准备,并将谈话重点放在单元经济效益上,提高了对话对于该投资者的相关性。
通过 DocSend 的洞察力和分析,Jonathan 能够更有效地确定与投资者接触时的优先级,并成功从 15 位投资者手中完成融资。
Previously, Jonathan was paying an hourly fee to a lawyer who was managing Captain Experiences’ contracts through DocuSign; however, this was a costly use of a lawyer's time - basically project managing signatures - and not sustainable in the long term. Once Jonathan engaged with DocSend for fundraising, he quickly realized he could use the multi-party eSignatures feature to streamline important contracts for his business.
Jonathan 现在能够自动收集保密协议的多个签名、与承包商的咨询协议以及与投资者的可转换票据协议,而无需昂贵的监督。在纳入新员工或承包商时,DocSend 让 Jonathan 可以轻松地通过点击按钮发送保密协议和咨询协议,并不费吹灰之力管理工作流程。在美国从管理离岸雇员到与承包商开展业务,Jonathan 依赖 DocSend 作为管理和统一所有协议的简单方法。此外,DocSend 的电子签名解决方案比其他平台更具成本效益,有助于 Jonathan 和他的团队提高盈利能力。
使用电子签名,Jonathan 能够定制每个文档,以包括名称、日期或首字母缩写的字段。无缝的用户体验在创建文档并发送出去进行电子签名时可以节省时间,Jonathan 喜欢这种方式。
Multi-party eSignature has been one of the most useful features DocSend offers. We are able to send NDAs, onboard new consultants, fundraise, and close convertible notes all from one platform. It is especially critical when fundraising with many different parties involved-- that’s a lot of signatures to manage and DocSend streamlines the process.
例如,当 Jonathan 准备一个要发送出去签名的文档时,他注意到 DocSend 根据他以前的偏好预先调整了文本字段的大小。正如 Jonathan 所分享的,“字段可定制真是太好了,它满足了我的所有需求。”
DocSend 允许 Jonathan 为所有潜在投资者定制文档查看体验。在继续发展和拓展 Captain Experiences 的过程中,从共享商业计划书到收集电子签名,Jonathan 在每一步都有完全的控制权。