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DocSend 存储空间助力 MotiveMetrics 的企业销售流程

MotiveMetrics 深知,销售下一代企业技术需要发出信号,即他们自己使用的是一流的解决方案。

MotiveMetrics 是一个基于人工智能的认知营销平台,使企业能够优化关键词和管理广告活动。MotiveMetrics 的帐户结构优化平台可以动态地管理帐户结构,识别和部署新的关键词,并自动和大规模地生成成功的广告文案。客户包括 HomeAdvisor、Caesars Entertainment、Adidas、HP、Hotels.com、欧莱雅等等。

在使用 DocSend 之前,MotiveMetrics 的共享内容和销售资产的过程无法扩展,并且存在技术限制。DocSend 存储空间为 MotiveMetrics 的销售过程开启了基于帐户的周到的个性化处理,潜在客户已经注意到了这一点。

“Using DocSend Spaces to conduct sales demos is the best way to familiarize customers with MotiveMetrics,” says Jon Piron, MotiveMetrics’ Sales Director. “Customers have emphasized how impressed they are with how detail-oriented our team has become with DocSend, and how much work the team puts into personalizing the sell."

DocSend 存储空间展示了 MotiveMetrics 的个性化销售方法

MotiveMetrics 成功的销售方法建立在前期研究和准备的基础上,但该团队只能进行这么多的个性化操作,而没有切实可行的、基于客户的销售资产参与分析。通过在整个销售过程中展示和共享定制的 DocSend 存储空间,Piron 团队收集了逐个资产(甚至是逐个宣传资料)的文档参与统计数据,使他们能够确定最有希望的客户销售线索的优先级,从而更明智地花费时间。

It's always compelling to tell a sales prospect that I have created a page that includes material curated specifically for them using DocSend Spaces. It not only helps the sales demo discussion but can also be easily referenced and shared after the call.
Jon Piron
Jon PironSales Director, MotiveMetrics

“多亏了 DocSend,从最初的演示到签署合同,潜在客户都能体验到我们周到的处理,这也反映了他们以后可以期待的处理方式。每个潜在客户现在都有个性化的文件位置,只要他们需要,就能随时更新所有相关的参考资料。

DocSend 存储空间为 MotiveMetrics 提供了达成交易的灵活性和敏捷性

DocSend 的无缝定制品牌查看体验使 MotiveMetrics 能够更好地向潜在客户展示其平台的价值。它还提供了灵活性和敏捷性,让销售讨论朝着最佳方向发展,无论他们对产品、特定问题和需求有何了解。借助 DocSend 存储空间,所有内容都存放于一个集中位置,因此 MotiveMetrics 团队可以轻松、即时地在每个销售线索的 DocSend 存储空间中定制销售营销资料。然后,该团队可以无缝地复制存储空间,只需单击一次,即可大规模定制。

"We house everything in one customized location that includes the prospect’s branding. We have the agility and flexibility we need to point them to our NDA here, our MSA here, and our legal contracts here.” says Piron. “The customer loves the full transparency and seamlessness so that their team and the MotiveMetrics team can always access all the data and materials relevant to the partnership."

DocSend 存储空间使 MotiveMetrics 能够全面地做好准备

Piron 和他的团队认为 DocSend 存储空间帮助 MotiveMetrics 为客户做好准备工作。潜在客户和客户都很欣赏他们得到的工作量、体贴服务和量身定制的关注。

MotiveMetrics lets customers know that this customized approach is what they will receive throughout the entire customer experience. “I assure customers that everything the customer needs throughout the entire sales and onboarding processes is going to be accessible from a single page that's been uniquely created for them (their DocSend Space),” says Piron.

MotiveMetrics 深知,销售下一代企业技术需要发出信号,即他们自己使用的是一流的解决方案。

"Taking the fear out of a deal is one of the most powerful ways to cultivate faster, more successful deals," says Piron. “What DocSend does, especially through Spaces, is give my team the insights they need, so we know both when there’s fear and how best to address it.”

您很好奇自己如何也能做到这一点?单击此处开始免费使用 DocSend。

Product Analytics With Docsend
