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Ein führendes B2B-Technologieunternehmen sammelt Richtlinienvereinbarungen mithilfe der E-Signatur von DocSend mit mehreren Beteiligten

Ein schnell wachsendes Technologieunternehmen benötigte eine Lösung für das sichere Dokumentenmanagement und elektronische Signaturen für den Bereich Kundenerfolg und den internen Mitarbeiterbetrieb.


Founded over a decade ago, a leading technology company's mission is to empower Fortune 500 brands to engage with their customers through a variety of channels at the right moment. To share confidential files with customers and carry out policy agreements with employees, this company relies on DocSend to securely safeguard and organize documents.

Die Herausforderung

Vor der Verwendung von DocSend versendete ein Technical Security Manager des Unternehmens Sicherheitsdokumente zur elektronischen Signatur über DocuSign an Mitarbeiter, was für einen einfachen internen Workflow zu kostspielig und komplex war. Darüber hinaus benötigte das Kundensupport-Team eine sicherere Möglichkeit zur Freigabe vertraulicher Dokumente an Kunden.

Die Lösung

The team turned to DocSend’s secure document sharing and eSignature solution to safeguard sensitive cybersecurity documents that would go out to both employees and customers.

Sicheres Teilen vertraulicher Dokumente mit Kunden

When the company’s Technical Security Manager was first introduced to DocSend three years ago, the platform was used as a tool by customer support representatives to securely share sensitive information with customers. Technical support representatives would regularly interact with customers over email, sometimes sending over sensitive information about internal company security procedures. “We needed a safe way to easily turn on and off link access to ensure that the right information was being sent to the right individuals,” the manager shared. With DocSend, customer support representatives are able to safely send out sensitive materials regarding company policies with individual customers and control access to the documents for a defined period of time. This way, employees can securely control their company’s privacy and know exactly who is accessing internal Service Organization Control (SOC 2) reports - information that highlights how the company protects customer data. 

DocSend’s robust document tracking and analytics provides more visibility and flexibility beyond just sharing a link on Google Drive.
Technical Security Manager
Technical Security ManagerCustomer Engagement Technology Platform

Sometimes, customer support needs to share files on a support portal with customers that contain sensitive information about customer data. By hosting these documents in DocSend, customers can enter in a protected password and customer support representatives can be at ease that the documents are secure. The added layer of security in DocSend builds trust between the company and its customers. “If a customer needs a custom support solution, our support team will upload it to support folders and only share sensitive info with that customer,” the manager shares. DocSend provides both the company’s employees and customers with reassurance that their documents are protected from unauthorized parties. 

Umstieg von DocuSign zur Vereinfachung des Mitarbeiter-Onboardings

Als jemand, der die Sicherheitsrichtlinien und -praktiken im Unternehmen verwaltet, wollte der Technical Security Manager andere Möglichkeiten erkunden, DocSend in seiner eigenen Funktion einzusetzen. Die Cybersicherheit betrifft alle Unternehmensebenen, einschließlich der Rechtsabteilung, der Personalabteilung, der IT-Abteilung und des Kundensupports. Insbesondere müssen alle neuen Mitarbeiter im Rahmen des Onboardings ein internes Richtlinienpaket zum Thema Cybersicherheit unterschreiben und ihre Signatur jährlich erneuern. Der Technical Security Manager war der Ansicht, dass DocSend eine einfachere Möglichkeit darstellen könnte, um Richtliniendokumente von Mitarbeitern signieren zu lassen.

When you’re onboarded as a new hire or contractor, you sign an internal policy document in DocSend. I can track who has signed our security policies that are needed for yearly audits. It’s one less thing that human resources has to worry about.
Technical Security Manager
Technical Security ManagerCustomer Engagement Technology Platform

Previously, the company’s technical security team was relying on DocuSign, which was too cumbersome of a solution for their needs. “There were too many overwhelming options and too many permissions, when I needed to collect basic employee signatures. The user interface and user experience was too much in DocuSign and it made it hard for me to keep track of who signed our policy documents,” the manager recalled. With DocuSign, the team needed to pay an additional license fee to access the software, which was too costly for the basic eSignature functionality they needed. However, the team realized they could instead try out DocSend’s eSignature feature, which was already included in their existing DocSend plan. They were already DocSend users, securely sharing documents with customers, so it made sense to give the software a try for its eSignature capability. 

I can’t speak highly enough about DocSend. With multi-party eSignature, I can track in real time who has viewed and signed our documents. This insight cuts down on me having to ask HR about who's signed what or having to chase down signatures.
Technical Security Manager
Technical Security ManagerCustomer Engagement Technology Platform

Eine nahtlose und kostengünstige Lösung für E-Signaturen für mehrere Parteien zur Nachverfolgung von Richtliniendokumenten zur Cybersicherheit

After trying out DocSend’s eSignature , the technical security team was impressed by how easy it was to securely send documents across the business. “As soon as you guys said you had multi-party eSignature, I knew it was time to stop using DocuSign,” the Technical Security Manager shared. Unlike DocuSign, DocSend is intuitive to use and has everything the team needs to collect over three-hundred employee signatures on internal policy documents. “Every year, we are audited and are required to provide yearly company-wide signatures on our data retention policy. DocSend’s multi-party eSignature lets us show auditors that we take our privacy seriously. We can even show the exact timestamp an employee signed an agreement,” the Technical Security Manager shared. The technical security team at the company is able to track who has signed documents and ensure that the company is compliant with strict cybersecurity policies. 

Ein Blick in die Zukunft: Optimierung des Onboardings und Kundenerlebnisses

Das technische Sicherheitsteam des Unternehmens verwendet DocSend, um das Onboarding zu optimieren, während das Unternehmen weiter wächst. Im nächsten Jahr plant es, die Richtliniendeckblätter mithilfe eines Drittanbietersystems zu vereinheitlichen, um die Versionsverwaltung aufrechtzuerhalten. Darüber hinaus sendet das Kundensupport-Team weiterhin vertrauliche Informationen mit der Gewissheit an Kunden, dass die Dokumente in DocSend mit Passwörtern und ablaufenden Links geschützt sind. Wie der Technical Security Manager mitteilte: „Mein eigenes Team und unsere Support-Teams sind wirklich begeistert von DocSend, und ich weiß, dass diese Begeisterung mit der zukünftigen Skalierung unseres Unternehmens noch weiter zunehmen wird.“

Product Analytics With Docsend

Sicherer Dokumentenaustausch mit Echtzeitanalysen auf Knopfdruck