Sikker nonprofit fundraising og -bestyrelse

Det har aldrig været lettere at dele og spore dine donorengagementer og legatansøgninger.
Se, om du er kvalificeret til vores rabat på 30 % for nonprofit-organisationer

Benyttes af mere end 34.000 virksomheder over hele verden

Prioriter de rigtige donorer på det bedste tidspunkt

Get insights on who opens impact reports and where potential donors spend the most time with intuitive fundraising software for non profits. Using DocSend allows you to see page-by-page analytics on your documents, so you can cater donor conversations around the areas they care about most.

See how document analytics can improve your nonprofit fundraising efforts.

Opdater ansøgninger om tilskud, også efter at de er blevet indsendt

If you submitted the grant application, but missed a critical detail, DocSend lets you go back and edit documents in real-time—without needing to update the link. Put your best foot forward and your mind at ease during fundraising by knowing that stakeholders will always have the most up to date version.

See how secure file sharing can transform your fundraising experience and drive results. Learn about secure sharing

Identify stakeholders and collect nonprofit donations quicker

Use virtual data rooms (VDRs) to prioritize donors who show interest and those that connect most with your nonprofit’s mission. Receive real-time notifications if someone forwards a document and learn if new stakeholders have been introduced to your nonprofit fundraising.

See how VDRs help you follow-up with the right contacts and get the most out of donor engagement.

"Tilpasning af donormøder"

Danny Park

DocSends analyser hjælper os med at gøre vores personlige møder med potentielle donorer så relevante og tilpassede som muligt. Hvis jeg f.eks. kan se, at en potentiel donor bruger mest tid på siden om grundlæggeren i vores pitch-deck, vil vi under vores personlige møder tale mest indgående om dette emne.

Danny Park

Grundlægger og CEO for Spectrum Biobank

Product Analytics With Docsend

Øg nonprofit fundraising med sikker dokumentdeling med analyser i realtid