Conseils des fondateurs

The Early-Stage Funding Divide Between All Men and All Women Founding Teams

The first in a series of reports highlighting how key factors such as gender, diversity or geography can affect a team's fundraise.
Nick FrostSenior Audience Development Manager at DocSend
7 août 2020

L’inégalité des financements

Our goal through the DocSend Startup Index was to offer founders information and insights into the often opaque world of VC decision-making. While analyzing VC-founder interactions through our platform, it became clear that some of the factors that affect a founders’ ability to fundraise are actually outside of their control. This funding divide can be caused by multiple things including gender or diversity of the founding team, average age of founders, and even where the founding team is based. It’s become clear that a change is needed in how the fundraising marketplace serves minority and underrepresented founders.

Through our research, we hope to share critical data on where and how the problem manifests throughout the fundraising process. While we don’t yet know the solution to the clear funding divide, we’re committed to highlighting the data we have available and helping to find a solution.


Check the Funding Divide resource page for updates

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EoY 2019 Diversity ReportGene Tear of Crunchbase News reports that 20 percent of global startups raising their first funding round in 2019 having a female founder and digs into the full Funding to the Female Founders report (PDF).

Read the full post on Crunchbase News

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