
クライアントとの効果的なコラボレーションのために DocSend を使用する 3 つの方法

DocSend を使用すると、煩雑な作業に費やす時間を減らして、クライアントにより多くの時間を割り当てられようになります。
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3 ways to use DocSend for effective client collaboration

Are you searching for a way to stand out with your clients? Do you want to find small ways to give them a best-in-class experience in a remote-first world? Are you constantly wishing you spent less time searching for virtual paperwork and more time on building relationships? Well, DocSend can help you get back to what matters most - your clients. 

Use a productivity hub to work smarter.

Do you struggle with keeping track of which clients are sending materials? Or maybe you feel frustrated because you keep showing up to review meetings where no one has actually looked at the materials you sent. No one knows this pain better than consultants. They often manage multiple clients and would ideally like to use face-time with clients to spend ample discussion time on the project’s progress instead of often using the time to introduce their work. 

By keeping your photo, video, audio, image, and presentation files in a centralized workspace, you can save yourself time and frustration of searching for what you need, when you need it. Bonus points if you choose one that gives you real-time notifications that your files are actually being viewed so that know your work is actually being read, empowering you with confidence about how to approach your next conversation with your client. 

Manage documents without chaos.

 Do you need to collect and consolidate documentation from various stakeholders and respondents? Or do you have a project that is going through an iterative phase with hefty revisions that you’re afraid of losing track of in your inbox? 

Take the due diligence process for example. There are multiple steps to the process that can take weeks and sometimes months from start-to-finish. That means collecting information from a lot of parties over a long period of time. There’s the initial setup of proposals when your prospecting for engagements, then there’s the actual contract for the project - all of which you’d want saved in a scope of work folder. Then comes the assessment of business financials which requires procuring documents from various respondents. The model analysis phase brings about the challenge of iterative version management. (That’s a term I made up, but you get the idea.) By the time you get to the deal closing portion of the process, you might be responsible for managing xx documents.  

Well, File Requests can help you reduce the stress and distractions of managing documents from external parties. With File Requests, you collect content directly and securely in DocSend. All you have to do is send a contact a file request link and they can drag-and-drop materials directly into the folder you created - no need to create a DocSend account. You can set up folders for all of the documentation you need and create sections in your client portal to manage each phase of the process with less time spent chasing paperwork.

Make it easy to protect your IP.

In today’s virtual first world, everyone’s top concern is protecting their work - regardless of industry. Email leaves your work vulnerable. Anyone can forward your work along and you’d never know, except maybe when you’re prospecting and someone ghosts you…and then a few months later you see that the same prospect actually did something very similar to what you pitched. You know something’s up, but you can’t prove it. 

If you’re sharing your work using a tool with advanced security settings, you can avoid these scenarios. From keeping out unwanted viewers with password protection, email authentication, and download restrictions to protecting your IP with integrated NDA tools, a platform like DocSend lets you worry less about protecting your work so you can focus more on wowing your clients.  Bonus — you can also use it to get real-time, granular data on whose viewed your files and when, so you can follow-up smarter. Use analytical insights to help you identify who is actually spending time with your work to make the most of your face-to-face meetings.

Ready to find out how a single tool can help bring order to the chaos of managing client collaboration? Learn how DocSend can solve these challenges and even more by signing up for our demo here.

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