
DocSend で追跡可能なあまり知られていない 6 つの事柄

安全なファイル共有は、ドキュメント共有ツールが提供する多数のインサイトのうちの 1 つに過ぎません。ここでは、DocSend で追跡可能な 6 つのことをご紹介します。
Dropbox Docsend
Dropbox DocSend
track with DocSend

The value that document sharing tools deliver is clear: Replacing vulnerability and risk with peace of mind, it gives businesses and entrepreneurs alike a secure foundation to exchange confidential and proprietary information. 

When it comes to the benefits gained from DocSend, secure file sharing is only the tip of the iceberg. Its robust analytics and dashboards unlock key insights you can use to refine pitch strategies, speed deal cycles, improve content quality, and follow up more proactively with stakeholders. You can use DocSend to surface countless nuggets of intel—here are six lesser-known areas of insight you can track.

Who’sactuallyengaging with your content

Sharing content via custom links and virtual data rooms is fast and easy—but do you know who’s actually taking the time to view it? Digging into DocSend analytics lets you see who’s interacting with the content you’re sending. In this way, it gives teams x-ray vision into how viewers are engaging with their shared documents. It lets you quickly and easily answer questions like:: 

  • Did my customer view the project proposal I sent last week? 

  • Who else is part of the review process for the sales contract? 

  • Did that investor ever peek at my pitch deck like they promised? 

Document-level analytics give you a real-time picture of engagement, allowing you to filter views at the virtual data room level or by individual content files. Plus, if you’ve enabled the “require email to view” feature, you can see who your content has been shared with. This is especially helpful during a deal cycle when new stakeholders can enter the conversation unexpectedly. 

Securely send and track with spreadsheet sharing controls



On the flip side, folks who spend large amounts of time engaging with your content—reading documents and watching videos from start to finish—often signal high interest and are, thus, people you should focus more time and energy on. 


Likewise, measuring time spent per page via DocSend dashboards gives you a clear line of sight into where different folks choose to spend their time and what they prioritize. This insight can be used in a variety of ways, such as proactively scheduling a follow-up call with a prospect who’s been spending 75% of their time viewing your pricing page. Or prepping for a second conversation with a VC who’s looking closely at your business model slide. If you’re working with multiple stakeholders at the same company, you can also compare their time spent to understand their unique interests and tailor your conversations accordingly. 


You can also track and measure your top-performing pages, replicating successful formats and structures to improve the quality of existing sales and marketing materials. Here, you can uncover insight into content types that resonate most across your audience reach. 



Videos are a key sales prospecting tool, and you can use DocSend analytics to improve the quality of your videos and how prospects engage with them. Tracking engagement and performance will help you prioritize your leads and save hours of wasted effort. Here are some of the video engagement metrics DocSend lets you track. 

For each visit you’ll be able to track: 

  • アクセスごとの再生時間

  • アクセスごとの再生率

  • ユーザー情報(使用しているデバイスや OS、位置情報、メール アドレスなど)

  • アクセス中の再生操作に関する詳細情報(一時停止、巻き戻し、スキップしたセクションなど)


  • 動画ファイルへのアクセス数

  • ユーザーが視聴した動画の平均再生率

  • 動画の閲覧統計情報をバージョンごとに集計したデータ

  • ユーザーの位置情報に関するインサイトが得られるアクセス マップ



DocSend’s new Spreadsheet sharing controls feature allows you to maintain control over sensitive business content and access detailed insight into how viewers engage with what you’ve shared. 

従来の共有プラットフォームでスプレッドシートを送信する場合は、誰かがドキュメントを開いたことしか確認できません。DocSend のタブ単位の分析を使用すれば、各閲覧者がそれぞれのタブをどれくらいの時間閲覧したかを確認できるので、閲覧者がどの部分の情報を詳しく知りたがっているかを正確に把握できます。

また、閲覧者固有の権限を設定して、各閲覧者に適切なビューを割り当てたり、それぞれの権限に応じたカスタム リンクを作成したりすることもできます。機密ファイルが悪意ある人物の手に渡ることが心配な場合は、DocSend のスプレッドシート共有管理機能により、受信者のブラウザでのみ表示可能なバージョンのスプレッドシートを送信して、機密データがダウンロードされたり配布されたりしないようにできます。

DocSend 分析がどのように機能するかをご覧になりたいですか?ぜひ無料トライアルにご登録ください。

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