Ny avancerad video-statistik i DocSend: Datadrivna insikter blir effektivt engage-mang
DocSend-videoanalys ger användarna den extra fördelen av att kunna prioritera rätt leads i uppföljningen, vilket eliminerar många timmar av bortkastad ansträngning.In today’s virtual first world, video is a key tactic for prospecting. People across industries are hungry for the ability to turn real-time insights into visitor engagement. For years, DocSend has given teams x-ray vision into how viewers engage with their shared documents. Now we’re bringing that same power to in-platform video with the launch of video analytics.
Video consumption has become part of our day-to-day lives. According to Hubspot, people watched 12.2 billion minutes of video last year – that’s 23,211 years worth of content. The rise of video isn’t just about attention - it’s also about driving results.
Adding a video to your proposal can increase close rates by up to 41% (Proposify, 2022).
Video drives 56% higher proposal engagement and helps close your deal 26% faster (Proposify, 2022).
81% of video marketers say video directly boosts sales (Wyzowl, 2022).
These stats highlight the importance of video in any outreach strategy. DocSend video analytics gives users the added benefit of prioritizing the right leads for follow-up, saving you hours of wasted effort. Plus, with DocSend you don’t have to manage your videos in a separate video tool - you can upload, share, and analyze all your client-facing videos, decks, docs, contracts, and more all within one platform and even protect them behind NDAs or share multiple documents at once with convenient data rooms customized for your customers.
Identifiera prospekten som verkligen är intresserade av det du presenterar
Measuring the success of video content is more than just tracking views. To really understand where your deals are getting stuck, you have to dive deep into how prospects are engaging with your videos. DocSend highlights common drop-off points in your videos, as well as which sections are rewatched repeatedly, giving you superhuman visibility into areas of friction, confusion, or opportunity. Even more, you can get a closer understanding of prospect viewing behavior on Dropbox Capture voice-over videos recorded in DocSend. Armed with these insights, you can optimize your strategy to draw in more leads, and quickly prioritize which ones to follow-up with.
Videoanalys: ladda upp, dela och analysera videor direkt från din instrumentpanel
Videoanalys är nu tillgänglig med alla DocSend-abonnemang, så att du kan ladda upp, dela och analysera videor direkt i DocSend, tillsammans med allt annat presentationsinnehåll, för en supersmidig upplevelse.
Video analytics in Personal plans gives users instant access to DocSend’s signature insights. For each visit you can see who the user is, including email address and geolocation, as well as see which sections of your video they viewed, skipped, or re-watched. You can also view aggregate viewership stats for multiple versions of your video, to see where users tend to drop off and further optimize your content.
For each visit you’ll be able to track:
Uppspelningstid per besök
Uppspelningsprocent per besök
Användarinformation som enhet, operativsystem, plats och e-postadress
Uppspelningsinformation för ett besök, inklusive pauser, tillbakaspolning och innehållsdelar mottagaren hoppat över
För alla dina besök kan du spåra:
Antalet besök i din videofil
Den genomsnittliga procent av din video som besökarna tittat på
Sammanställda visningstal över din video utifrån version
En besökskarta som ger insikter om var dina tittare finns
Du kommer också att kunna utnyttja DocSends kraftfulla delningskontroller för att säkerställa att din företagsinformation förblir säker. Med bara några klick kan du inaktivera nedladdning, lösenordsskydda ditt innehåll eller kräva att tittarna anger sin e-postadress eller signerar ett sekretessavtal innan de öppnar dina delade filer.
Advanced video engagement analytics and settings: Drive and measure engagement with your content
Understanding how viewers are engaging with your videos is powerful. Being able to access aggregate data and evaluate video performance from a bird’s eye view is transformative.
Available to users on Standard, Advanced, and Enterprise plans, video engagement analytics gives users deeper data to inform macro-level decisions, like:
The visit engagement score that lets you know if a user actually paid attention to your video or just played it in the background
The visit engagement graph that gives you a detailed view of where a user mutes, fast forwards, or backgrounds the player to measure engagement of your most important prospects**.**
Video engagement settings that let you control how your video is viewed, like blocking fast-forwarding or pausing the video if muted.
Custom video player branding that lets your logo shine for a polished premium viewing experience.
Få konkurrensfördelar med avancerad DocSend-videoanalys
Video måste finnas i din verktygslåda vare sig du är ny företagare, redan driver eget eller leder ett säljteam. Men skapar du videor utan insikter i mottagarnas interaktion med dem går du miste om en kritisk pusselbit.
DocSend-videoanalys ger dig de insikter du behöver för att optimera dina processer och bättre förstå dina kunders beteende, så att du kan fokusera på det som betyder mest – att bygga starka relationer och fatta smartare affärsbeslut.
Är du redo att se hur DocSend-videoanalys fungerar i realtid? Påbörja din kostnadsfria provperiod nu.