DocSend 新聞

運用 DocSend 電子簽章推動業務發展

透過 DocSend 電子簽章,決策者和交易者都能管理提案簡報與已簽署的協議等重要商務文件。
Peter LaBerge
eSignature for NDA, SOW, contract

Maybe you’re looking to move a deal or partnership through the pipeline and into execution. Maybe you’re looking to test pre-released product features, and you need to send NDAs to product testers. Or you could be a business leader looking to easily manage your company’s SOW flow. We’ve got good news. You don't have to sacrifice file control and security to get NDAs, SOWs, and contracts signed ever again.

我們很高興能在 Standard、Advanced 以及 Enterprise 方案中推出 DocSend 電子簽章。透過 DocSend 電子簽章,決策者和交易者都能管理提案簡報與已簽署的協議等重要業務文件。

Users can expect to easily convert any qualified document in DocSend into a signable document. Once signed, each person will receive a link to download the document for their records. And because we know an audit trail is important, you'll also receive all the pertinent signer events. It’s that easy.


Here's how everyone from the C-Suite to HR can use DocSend eSignature to streamline their workflow and become more efficient.


作為企業領導人,您的任務是確認一切順利進行,並確保讓團隊擁有成功所需的資源。包括引入代理商和承包商,在需要時提升您的業務效率。然而,原本應該是簡單明瞭的程序,卻可能因為來回討論工作說明書和保密協議而變得複雜混亂。DocSend 電子簽章讓您採用順暢、安全的方法管理工作說明書。在幾分鐘內將檔案轉換為具有法律約束力的可簽名文件,再從電腦或行動裝置安全地共享檔案。


When a sales deal is in motion, the last thing you want is a speed bump. With DocSend’s real-time activity notifications, it's easy to know when to follow up. DocSend gives you real-time view notifications and page-by-page insight into how long prospects spent reviewing your agreement. Once it’s time to strike a deal, DocSend’s robust security enhancements enable prospects to access contracts simply and securely. (And don’t worry—as negotiation unfolds and progresses, version control is a snap.)

此外,想鞏固與行銷或產品合作夥伴的關係?沒問題。答案很明顯,DocSend 電子簽章不僅讓管理工作說明書變得順暢,它也無疑是管理保密協議輕鬆且易於擴充的方法。


如果您是一位積極尋找潛在公司買家的銀行業者,那麼恭喜您!現在開始不需要猜測了。DocSend 電子簽章讓像您這樣的銀行業者能夠根據即時、逐頁文件互動分析,可靠地評估潛在買家的興趣和目的。

在傳送專有資訊之前,何不使用 DocSend 傳送可簽署的保密協議?


It's easy to tell when a candidate is engaged when you can see how they interact with your recruiting materials. DocSend’s activity engagement notifications give you with the inside look to turn your best candidates into your new coworkers.

現在有了 DocSend 電子簽章,錄取通知書也可受益。使用電子郵件的 PDF 附件時,您無法取得招聘過程中最關鍵階段的能見度。然而 DocSend 電子簽章為您提供即時通知,讓您總是能瞭解應徵者的進度。

開始使用 DocSend 電子簽章

使用者可以從 DocSend 安全地轉換和分享可簽名的文件,同時在大部分裝置上保留追蹤造訪及收集簽名的功能。電子簽章功能可以讓一方簽署,並且對雙方都具有法律約束力。欲瞭解如何在幾分鐘內傳送您的第一份可簽名 DocSend 文件,以及進一步瞭解關於 DocSend 使用者和簽署者的條件,請按這裡

無論您要簽署或傳送保密協議、工作說明書、內部人力資源協議、錄取通知書、交易執行等,DocSend 電子簽章都能確保您推動業務發展,使用我們的 Standard、Advanced 和 Enterprise 方案立即開始傳送。

Users can also share multiple documents in a data room as a single link. These documents can include Excel files, presentations, word documents, files from Dropbox, and more.

如果您尚未擁有這些方案的帳戶,但想利用 DocSend 電子簽章功能,您可以按這裡升級。我們也鼓勵您申請電子簽章示範教學,或來電:(888) 258-5951。我們期待聽到您的消息!

免費試用 DocSend 的實用功能 14 天

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