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隆重推出 DocSend 募資網絡

DocSend 募資網絡使用以資料為本的方法讓優質創辦人與我們活躍的創業投資公司網絡聯繫。
Andrea Silvers
DocSend fundraising network

The events that unfolded in 2020 upended the fundraising process. Both founders and VCs have found that the traditional process has changed. Not only can you no longer rely on networking events or conferences to help you score an intro to a VC, once you get that intro you likely won't meet your potential investor in person at any point during the process.

儘管如此,募資市場仍然非常活躍 (請參閱我們每週公佈的提案簡報興趣指標)。我們也瞭解在無法進行面對面會議的時代,提案簡報變得更加重要。這就是為什麼我們決定建立 DocSend 募資網絡 (DFN)。DFN 是協助創辦人募集資金的新方法,也是創業投資公司的新交易流量來源。DFN 讓頂尖創辦人與領導交易的高水準創業投資公司名單接觸。

DocSend 募資網絡如何運作

DocSend 募資網絡的運作方式,是讓我們的提案簡報分析器分析所收到的每份提案簡報。該分析器為透過累積多年,超過 10 萬份提案簡報與數百萬募資資料點的活動所建立。我們利用這些數據分析來找出可以讓新創公司成功獲得介紹會議,最終完成投資條件書的指標。

我們將所有的資料簡化為 11 個標準,而這些標準是我們透過研究識別出來,讓提案簡報成功的重要元素。擁有優質的提案簡報者,將獲准加入 DFN。


DocSend 創辦人和執行長 Russ Heddleston 表示:「從歷史上看,風險投資和創業界存在明顯的地理和人口不平等現象。這項挑戰與新的虛擬執行業務方式結合,現在是時候採用創業募資的新方法了。DocSend 募資網絡為人脈較不完善的創辦人提供機會,並為創業投資公司開拓新商業前景。DFN 讓本來可能永遠不會相遇的創辦人和創業投資公司聯繫,並注重基本面,專注於有潛力的公司和投入的投資者。」


DFN 目前適用於種子前、種子和 A 階段融資輪。

創辦人可將公司的提案簡報提交至提案簡報分析器來加入 DFN (或在這裡傳送電子郵件給我們)。


DocSend 行銷部門副總裁 Alex Poulos 表示:「DocSend 對於這項新服務非常熱衷。我們徹底讓研究發揮作用,並建立獨特、以資料為本且不受偏見影響的方法篩選高品質的提案簡報。我們的目標是為創業投資公司提供有意義的新交易成交流程,同時協助擁有高品質點子的創辦人,其缺乏代表性或沒有輕鬆方法可透過目前的管道接觸對的投資者。」


我們已分析超過 2,000 份提案簡報,並向創業投資公司介紹了數百位符合資格的創辦人。創辦人和創業投資公司都在發揮這種新聯繫方式的價值。

創業投資公司對 DFN 的興趣

"Social distancing has created a world where I no longer have the option to meet a founder at an event or conference. By default that narrows the visibility into quality deals,” said Ullas Naik, Founder and General Partner of Streamlined Ventures. “This is actually an opportunity to break out of our typical patterns and broaden the field of options. And today, that's not only a good idea, I think it is an imperative. The DocSend Fundraising Network connects me with founders from all over the world, creating a more diverse set of companies and quality investment opportunities."

創辦人使用 DFN 所獲得的成功

"Having an existing relationship or referral to a VC always helps when you're trying to raise capital. The DocSend Fundraising Network is an entirely new way to break through and get noticed, and for the right reasons: my team, my business model, my product," said Tim Desmond, Founder of Peer Collective.

DocSend currently has over 70 VC funds in the DocSend Fundraising Network, including Cowboy Ventures, Uncork Capital, LHV and 500 Startups. We also have a waiting list of VCs that want to join (you can email us here if you're a VC who wants to join the network).

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