DocSend 新聞


今天,DocSend 推出了平台中所有內容類型的支援服務,邁向將全球銷售內容轉化為業務資產的目標。
Sonja Jacob
DocSend now supports all content types

DocSend 推出了平台中所有內容類型的支援服務,邁向將全球銷售內容轉化為業務資產的目標。

這不限於文件,而是所能想像的一切,包括試算表及 URL 中的網頁內容。



這正是買方喜歡的模式:Forrester 的研究顯示,76% 的買家會選擇能與彼此明智對話的廠商


With the latest update from DocSend, we’ve super-charged Spaces, one of our most popular features - and our entire platform - with the ability to add spreadsheets, web content, and more.

Best of all, you'll get the analytics you’ve come to expect from DocSend, so you can see how your entire account engages with your content and have more of the smart conversations that actually close deals.


向所有使用者隆重推出 Excel 支援服務

Excel file support is available for all DocSend users, no matter what plan you’re on. Excel files are download-only, meaning they won't be viewable directly in DocSend. Recipients will need to download the file to see it.

Everything else works exactly the same way. You can set custom link permissions, and you'll get real-time notifications and the same robust analytics on visits, downloads, and usage.



This is what your visitors will see when you share a DocSend link to an Excel file. 

推出 Standard、Advanced 和 Enterprise 均可使用的新內容類型

除了支援 Excel 檔案之外,DocSend Standard、Advanced 和 Enterprise 使用者也可將其他七種內容類型新增至 DocSend。現在可透過單一資訊來源,追蹤推動交易的一切要素。

Like with Excel files, all of these content types - with the exception of web content - are download-only. Visitors will need to download the content you've shared to view it.

Not to worry, you'll still get the same robust content analytics on visits, downloads, and usage. And, for all content types, you'll be able to set custom permissions.


  • Web content (Think anything that starts with "http"!)

  • 影片 (.avi、.mov、.mp4、.mpg、.qt)

  • 音訊 (.aac、.aiff、.alac、.flac、.mp3 .ogg、.pcm、.wav、.wma)

  • 影像 (.bmp、.gif、.jpeg、.jpg、.png、.svg、.tiff、.webm)

  • 文字 (.rtf、.txt)

  • 封存 (.7z、.rar、.tar.bz2、.tar.gz、.zip、.zipx)

  • 試算表 (.xls(x)、.csv、.numbers .ods、.xlr)


When you add web content, you'll be prompted to specify the URL and provide a name for your link.


This what you'll see internally when you upload a download-only content type.


Want access to the new content types? Upgrade to Standard or Advanced, or get a demo of DocSend Enterprise. You can also reach us by email at [email protected]. 

若已在使用 Standard、Advanced 或 Enterprise,但想瞭解詳情,請查看說明中心

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