
運用 DocSend 多方電子簽章,Captain Experiences 奪得 200 萬美元的種子資金

面對不斷增長的客戶需求,Captain Experiences 的工作團隊需要流暢的文件管理與電子簽章解決方案,且要能隨著公司業務成長一同擴展。


Captain Experiences 是鼓勵所有人盡情享受戶外活動的平台,讓大家能順暢地預訂戶外運動嚮導服務。Captain Experiences 提供美國各地及其他地區的各式行程,不但有簡單易懂的使用者評論,還有優秀的合法嚮導任君挑選,能減輕規劃旅行的壓力。Captain Experiences 最初專注於美國各地的釣魚活動,如今迅速擴展至所有戶外運動,並進軍海外市場。


在接觸 DocSend 之前,共同創辦人暨執行長 Jonathan Newar 要求律師在 DocuSign 上收取保密協議和投資人協議的簽名。Jonathan 表示:「由於律師的時間成本高昂,請他們收集簽名會讓生意損失數百美元。」該工作團隊需要一個更符合成本效益的解決方案,用於彙整外部文件和收集電子簽章。


The team turned to DocSend’s easy-to-use secure document sharing and eSignature solution that would grow and scale alongside Captain Experiences. “Not only is DocSend intuitive and easy to use but it also allows us to close deals faster," Jonathan shared.

運用 DocSend 募資網絡,奪得 200 萬美元的種子資金並建立長遠的合作夥伴關係

當 Jonathan 第一次試驗提案簡報構想時,他在 DocSend 募資網絡的協助下,鎖定主要投資市場和戶外體驗的投資者,並進行了首次的推薦介紹。利用這次向投資者初步介紹的機會,Jonathan 找出提案中的亮點並進一步改善募資簡報,為未來的對話做好準備。皇天不負苦心人,這些推薦介紹最終為他贏得了 200 萬美元的種子募資。DocSend 的募資簡報分析器提供以資料為本的深度分析資訊,協助像 Jonathan 這樣的創辦人在種子前和種子輪募資中,有效傳達使命和業務目標,呈現最好的一面。

Through the DocSend Fundraising Network, we fielded multiple high-value intros to VC's excited about Captain Experiences. These intros led to relationships we continue to cultivate- hearing directly from VC's on traction benchmarks they're keying on allows us to firm up our fundraising strategy and our deck.
Jonathan Newar
Jonathan NewarCo-Founder & CEO, Captain Experiences

As a result of being part of the DFN, Jonathan secured his first institutional investor meetings that were critical to the early traction of Captain Experiences.  “It was fantastic to get access to warm introductions with DocSend early on in our growth,” Jonathan shared. The DFN introduced Jonathan to 8 VCs, which led to multiple meetings and follow-ups. "The DFN provided introductions to industry-leading, brand-name VCs that we otherwise would have had to reach out to cold or network tirelessly to connect with. We met with a handful of funds through the DFN and ended up signing with our lead investor," Jonathan shared. These meetings were fundamental to the company’s early fundraising success and provided detailed feedback that helped Jonathan ultimately fundraise successfully. Additionally, a connection Jonathan made through the DFN made countless other introductions, which helped the team close their seed round.

The DFN provided data-driven feedback that was integral to improving investor views on subsequent versions of Jonathan’s pitch deck. While early slides on traction, team, business model, and "the ask" were in good shape, the data-driven feedback provided by DFN suggested that earlier versions of the pitch deck had too few product slides. Using those insights, Jonathan added a product roadmap slide to the appendix. “Thanks to DocSend analytics, I know that this is one of our most viewed slides and it gives us a chance to present our execution progress and future rollouts to investors,” Jonathan shared.


當 Jonathan 剛開始接觸投資人時,每天都會寄送數百封電子郵件。他知道一定能找到更有效率的方法來開展業務。

當 Jonathan 在休士頓與其他創辦人談過後,發覺運用 DocSend 可更輕鬆地管理和共享募資簡報版本。Jonathan 開始使用 DocSend 後,即使已經將募資簡報寄到投資者的收信匣,也能順暢無阻地一次更新募資簡報,並處理後續追蹤的編輯工作。Jonathan 可透過 DocSend 新增密碼和電子郵件驗證,藉此保護募資簡報中的機密資訊,確保只有正確的投資人得以瀏覽募資簡報。


以往,Jonathan 都是靠運氣來決定是否進一步追蹤投資人意向。對於人們是否已開啟過簡報,或是簡報中哪些部分與先前投資人的對話最具關聯性,他無法取得深度分析資訊、無法掌握情況。Jonathan 希望引起投資人的興趣,並為公司贏得資金來源,他需要對募資簡報取得數據分析,進而為不同創投公司客製化對話內容。

DocSend 帶來不同凡響的成果。Jonathan 使用 DocSend 向創業投資合夥人傳送一份募資簡報,發現投資人在討論單位經濟的投影片上檢視最久。當 Jonathan 與該合夥人會面時,他使用文件分析功能提前做好準備,並在談話時著重於單位經濟,從而投其所好。

運用 DocSend 的深度見解分析功能,在決定與投資者進一步聯絡時,Jonathan 能夠更有效地排定時間優先順序,並能順利完成與 15 位投資人的募資計畫。


Previously, Jonathan was paying an hourly fee to a lawyer who was managing Captain Experiences’ contracts through DocuSign; however, this was a costly use of a lawyer's time - basically project managing signatures - and not sustainable in the long term. Once Jonathan engaged with DocSend for fundraising, he quickly realized he could use the multi-party eSignatures feature to streamline important contracts for his business.

Jonathan 現在能夠以自動化方式收集各式文件簽名,包括保密協議、與承包商的諮詢協議以及與投資者的可轉換公司債協議,再也不必負擔昂貴的監督成本。在部署新進員工或承包商時,Jonathan 運用 DocSend,只要按一下按鈕便能輕鬆傳送保密協議和諮詢協議,動動手指即可管理工作流程。在管理離岸工作者和美國行銷承包商方面,Jonathan 仰賴 DocSend 作為管理及整合所有協議的簡單方法。此外,相較於其他平台,DocSend 的電子簽章解決方案更符合成本效益,協助 Jonathan 和工作團隊提高營收。



透過電子簽章,Jonathan 能夠根據需求修改每份文件,新增姓名、日期或名稱縮寫的欄位。在建立送交電子簽署的文件時,流暢的使用者體驗可以避免浪費時間,因此深受 Jonathan 喜愛。

Multi-party eSignature has been one of the most useful features DocSend offers. We are able to send NDAs, onboard new consultants, fundraise, and close convertible notes all from one platform. It is especially critical when fundraising with many different parties involved-- that’s a lot of signatures to manage and DocSend streamlines the process.
Jonathan Newar
Jonathan NewarCo-Founder & CEO, Captain Experiences

例如,當 Jonathan 正在準備一份要送交簽署的文件時,他發現 DocSend 會根據先前的偏好設定預先調整文字欄位大小。正如 Jonathan 所分享:「自訂欄位可滿足我的所有需求,再完美不過了!」

DocSend 讓 Jonathan 能夠為所有潛在投資人客製化文件檢視體驗。隨著 Jonathan 持續擴大 Captain Experiences 規模,無論是分享募資簡報或是收集電子簽章等作業,所有流程盡在掌握之中。

Product Analytics With Docsend
