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DocSend 協作區大幅改善 MotiveMetrics 的企業銷售流程

MotiveMetrics 深知在銷售新世代的企業技術時,必須讓世人知道他們自己也使用最頂尖的解決方案。

MotiveMetrics 是以人工智慧為基礎的認知行銷平台,可協助企業精進關鍵字並管理廣告活動。MotiveMetrics 的 Account Structure Optimization Platform 能動態管理客戶結構、尋找及部署新關鍵字,並自動且大規模地產生完美的廣告文案。他們的客戶涵蓋 HomeAdvisor、Caesars Entertainment、Adidas、HP、Hotels.com、L’Oreal 等企業。

使用 DocSend 之前,MotiveMetrics 的內容與銷售資產共享流程並不靈活,而且處處受到技術限制。DocSend 協作區讓 MotiveMetrics 得以採用以帳戶為基礎且的個人化銷售流程,頂尖的服務讓潛在客戶都能感受到此一轉變。

“Using DocSend Spaces to conduct sales demos is the best way to familiarize customers with MotiveMetrics,” says Jon Piron, MotiveMetrics’ Sales Director. “Customers have emphasized how impressed they are with how detail-oriented our team has become with DocSend, and how much work the team puts into personalizing the sell."

透過 DocSend 協作區展現 MotiveMetrics 的個人化銷售方式

MotiveMetrics 成功的銷售方式歸功於事前研究與準備,但若沒有可執行且以帳戶為基礎的銷售資產互動分析,團隊也無法實現大幅度的個人化。透過在整個銷售流程中展示及共享客製化 DocSend 協作區,Piron 的團隊能根據各個資產 (甚至是根據每張投影片) 收集文件互動統計資料,方便他們優先與最有希望的帳戶潛在客戶洽談,從而更明智地安排時間。

It's always compelling to tell a sales prospect that I have created a page that includes material curated specifically for them using DocSend Spaces. It not only helps the sales demo discussion but can also be easily referenced and shared after the call.
Jon Piron
Jon PironSales Director, MotiveMetrics

Piron 表示:「多虧了 DocSend,潛在客戶從初步教學示範到簽訂合約都可享有一流的體驗,他們之後能獲得的頂尖服務也反映於此。每位潛在客戶現在都有專屬的個人化空間,所有相關的參考資料都會隨時更新,方便他們在需要時存取內容。」

DocSend 協作區為 MotiveMetrics 提供完成交易所需的彈性和敏捷

DocSend 提供可自訂商標的流暢瀏覽體驗,使 MotiveMetrics 向潛在客戶展示平台價值時,能呈現出最好的一面。其彈性和敏捷也可讓銷售討論朝最佳方向發展,無論對產品、特定問題及需求的瞭解程度如何均不影響。DocSend 協作區將一切存放在單一集中式位置,MotiveMetrics 團隊可輕鬆且即時地在個別潛在客戶的 DocSend 協作區中自訂銷售素材。接著,團隊只需按一下就能流暢地複製協作區,以便大規模自訂內容。

"We house everything in one customized location that includes the prospect’s branding. We have the agility and flexibility we need to point them to our NDA here, our MSA here, and our legal contracts here.” says Piron. “The customer loves the full transparency and seamlessness so that their team and the MotiveMetrics team can always access all the data and materials relevant to the partnership."

DocSend 協作區讓 MotiveMetrics 得以大規模歡迎新成員加入

歡迎新客戶加入時,Piron 和團隊都認同 DocSend 協作區的效果。潛在客戶和現有客戶都很滿意 MotiveMetrics 的努力、細心和客製化待遇。

MotiveMetrics lets customers know that this customized approach is what they will receive throughout the entire customer experience. “I assure customers that everything the customer needs throughout the entire sales and onboarding processes is going to be accessible from a single page that's been uniquely created for them (their DocSend Space),” says Piron.

MotiveMetrics 深知在銷售新世代的企業技術時,必須讓世人知道他們自己也使用最頂尖的解決方案。

"Taking the fear out of a deal is one of the most powerful ways to cultivate faster, more successful deals," says Piron. “What DocSend does, especially through Spaces, is give my team the insights they need, so we know both when there’s fear and how best to address it.”

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