Unsere Verpflichtung zu Vertrauen und Sicherheit machen uns bei Führungskräften weltweit zur bevorzugten Wahl

Richten Sie Meetings danach aus, was Ihrem Vorstand am wichtigsten ist
Improve board meeting productivity and engagement with robust data room analytics. Share the materials that you know investors are interested in and cater your conversation toward what’s relevant to them. Learn about the ways document analytics can help you make better decisions.
Organisieren Sie Vorstandsmaterialien mit einem einzigen Mausklick
Take the chaos out of managing and sharing multiple files using an intuitive platform. DocSend data rooms are easy to create, organize, and share. Quickly find files through keyword search and use indexing to label your folders and files automatically. Find out more on how data rooms streamline organization.
Machen Sie sich nie wieder Sorgen über veraltete Dateien
Keep stakeholders informed at all times with a secure and continuously updated link. Eliminate the hassle of logging in and make sure stakeholders have the latest updates with simple, secure board management software. See more information on secure file sharing in DocSend.