Trusted by 34,000+ companies across the world
Find the right investment opportunities more efficiently
Empower your deal-sourcing and evaluation strategies with DocSend analytics. Quickly assess stakeholder interest levels, offering valuable insights to clients and enabling informed, timely business recommendations.
See how document analytics and video analytics can optimize your investment fund management.
Create data rooms for investment that everyone will love
Enhance investor engagement with personalized data rooms tailored for sharing fund performance or orchestrating M&A transactions. Customize access levels for visitors and groups, giving you precise control over sensitive information, so you can accelerate deal closures.
Learn more about using data rooms in DocSend to get deals over the line faster.
Maintain complete control of your financial data
Safeguard your deal information with ease by offering customizable access levels, document restrictions, and expiration settings. Add NDA-gating and watermarking to protect sensitive data from unauthorized distribution. And the best part is your visitors get access without having to create an account.
See how easy it is to add NDAs and get them signed with just one click.