Actualités DocSend

Partager du contenu stratégique de façon sécurisée avec DocSend

Annonce de l’établissement de listes blanches et de l’application de filigranes dans DocSend pour les finances. Envoyez votre contenu commercial de manière plus sécurisée que jamais.
Courtney Chuang
3 mai 2018
84 airplane

Negotiating contracts? Completing due diligence? Sharing sensitive data? All of these are already challenging enough, without having to worry about security, tracking, or analytics.

When you’re in finance, information constantly flows between you and your clients. From spreadsheets to quarterly reports, you need an easy way to store and share your content.

At DocSend, we get it. That’s why we’re introducing two new to features to help finance professionals send their business-critical content with confidence.

With whitelisting and dyanmic watermarking available right in DocSend, you can easily lock down confidential documents. And, best of all, you’ll always know your content is in the right hands.

Take control of your content with whitelisting

When it comes to sensitive financial information, you can’t risk not knowing when, how, or who is viewing your content. You need complete visibility that starts at the first click.

With dynamic whitelisting, you decide up front who has permission to see your content. Limit access to specific domains or get even more granular by limiting access by email address.

When you have whitelisting enabled, your viewer will be prompted to enter her email address to see your content. You can update your whitelists at anytime to grant or remove permission.

Not to mention, you’ll also have the option to restrict downloading, require a passcode, or set an expiration date - all customizable for each new link or Space:


Add an extra layer of security with watermarking

It’s every finance professional’s worst nightmare: the unauthorized sharing of confidential documents or data. And the most favorable solution is always deterrence.

With watermarking in DocSend, you can prevent circulation by adding a custom overlay of any text over your documents. It’s as simple as checking the option “Watermark document” when creating a new link or Space.

Remember, because watermarking can’t be stripped from your documents, your content is always protected, even if you enable downloading.

You can customize your watermark settings as needed. Edit the text, font, position, and transparency from your Settings page, or update it on the go when sharing new content.


Want to get started today?

Whitelisting and watermarking are available on DocSend Advanced. Get started today to see it in action.

Curious to learn more? We’re happy to chat! Request a demo, or drop us a line at [email protected].

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