Strategia di vendita

5 modi per potenziare lo stack tecnologico delle vendite e concludere più affari

Virtual selling identifies warm leads, builds meaningful prospect relationships, and manages sales processes.
Jackson Anderson
21 giugno 2022
5 ways to boost your sales tech stack and close more deals

Our recent research highlighted that virtual selling is here to stay. Although reps are well aware of the benefits this format offers, they can’t deny the unique challenges it brings. Identifying warm leads, building meaningful prospect relationships, and managing sales processes can be a lot more challenging in virtual environments than in-person settings. And with an abundance of tech tools out there, it’s no surprise that remote workers spend way too much time switching between SaaS platforms during their workday. 

This type of inefficiency is an absolute no-go for fast-moving sales teams. As the saying goes, time is money, and salespeople don’t want to lose either. As sales tech stacks across companies continue to grow, it’s easy to get caught up in the allure of the hot new tool. This is a slippery slope to reps spending more time managing tech than crafting a strategic follow-up. 

La tecnologia di un rappresentante alle vendite può favorire o compromettere un affare, tuttavia, la soluzione potrebbe non essere quella di fornire agli operatori un numero maggiore di strumenti, ma piuttosto strumenti che facciano di più con meno. Abbiamo raccolto cinque semplici modi per potenziare il tuo stack tecnologico di vendita e concludere più affari con strumenti che probabilmente stai già utilizzando.

Selling virtually through data-driven conversations

1. Get notified instantly when a lead visits your DocSend link 

Outside of bluebird deals (an unanticipated, incredibly profitable sale), surprises have no place in the sales process. DocSend’s Zapier integration lets reps build automations between the tools they use most – keeping them in the know whenever a prospect has viewed their link. 

Grazie a questo Zap personalizzabile, i singoli rappresentanti di vendita possono ottenere visibilità sui potenziali clienti direttamente nel luogo a loro più comodo. Alcuni rappresentanti sono costantemente al telefono, altri si cimentano con la posta elettronica, mentre altri ancora si affidano alle varie tecnologie. Indipendentemente dal metodo di comunicazione preferito, vieni avvisato immediatamente nel momento in cui il link condiviso viene aperto.

It’s known that quick follow-up is key to closing the deal, but the best part of this Zap lies in its lesser-known benefit: the ability to identify new stakeholders as soon as they engage with your link. 

Imagine this scenario: your prospect says they’re the main decision-maker, but then forwards your collateral to their boss, the real decision-maker. DocSend lets you know when prospects engage with your collateral, and with whom they share it. You’ll know exactly when your documents are forwarded to and viewed by other stakeholders within the company.

Armati di queste informazioni, i rappresentanti di vendita possono eseguire il follow-up in modo strategico ed evitare di essere colti di sorpresa da interlocutori inaspettati quando contattano il cliente la volta successiva.

Top Zaps: 

2. Automatically add new DocSend visitors to your CRM

Updating email lists and contacts within a CRM might be one of the most tedious tasks in existence. It’s definitely not something that reps should be spending lots of time on. 

Let’s say you’re a Biz Dev representative (BDR) and are sending out a ton of touches. Save yourself hours with a Zap that automatically adds or updates contacts based on how they engage with your shared collateral – all without ever leaving your preferred CRM.  

Automate email reminders, send prospect thank-yous, or add contacts to workflows as soon as someone engages with your DocSend content. If you’re feeling really fancy, you can even set up multi-step Zaps.

Favorite Zaps: 

  • Quando un potenziale cliente visita il tuo link -> Crea o aggiorna un contatto

  • Quando un potenziale cliente visita il tuo link -> Aggiunge un contatto a un elenco, a una campagna o a un flusso di lavoro specifici

  • Quando un potenziale cliente scarica la tua data room -> Crea o aggiorna un contatto

  • Quando un potenziale cliente scarica la tua data room -> Aggiunge un contatto a un elenco, a una campagna o a un flusso di lavoro specifici

3. Access detailed insights across mass email campaigns

The power of using DocSend to boost your sales tech stack doesn’t end with adding and updating contacts within your CRM. In fact, we’re just getting started.  

As a sales rep, you’re probably all too familiar with running email drip campaigns and sending mass personalized messages. Email outreach is an essential component of any sales process. But, tracking opens across sent emails isn’t enough to accurately measure prospect engagement. If that’s all you’re relying on, you’re missing out on analytics that give you real insight into prospect behavior. While a number of sales enablement tools have popped up to help reps scale email outreach, they don’t answer the critical question regarding how to improve deal negotiation. It’s impossible to track engagement with content you share in email sequences down to the target account and contact level.

To truly understand prospect behavior, you need detailed insight into not only when your collateral was viewed, but how often, for how long, if it was shared, and with whom. And you’re not going to get that by measuring email opens alone. 

DocSend’s document analytics gives sales reps x-ray vision into exactly how prospects are engaging with your collateral. This insight enables reps to craft compelling, strategic follow-up that speaks directly to their lead’s pain points. When sellers reach out at the right time, with the right content, it has the potential to win key accounts, and turn prospects into paying customers. 

DocSend not only gives you these detailed insights per viewer, but you can instantly access them at scale by leveraging our Mail Merge and Campaign links. 

“DocSend’s analytics really help you prioritize. If you’re reaching out to 100 people, you’re going to go after the first 10 that open that link. Just adding DocSend links into email campaigns gives me so much visibility into the individual that clicked, and how they engaged with the material. It’s so powerful.” - Paul Koelle, Dropbox DocSend

Mail Merge links

Use DocSend Mail Merge links directly in your message templates within your marketing automation tool of choice. Since Mail Merge links are tracked in the same way as DocSend links, you’ll get access to all the same insights, no matter how many leads you email the link to. 

E non è tutto: raccogli informazioni approfondite sui visitatori senza dover chiedere loro l'email. Questa parte è già configurata nel tuo strumento di automazione del marketing grazie al tag di unione.

Campaign links

DocSend’s Campaign links take Mail Merge links to the next level. Reps can create a unique link to share content in their unique email cadences, without ever leaving workflows in either tool. Detailed prospect insights are now accessible at scale, and with virtually no effort. 

Campaign links function like robust Mail Merge links. You can target a specific set of prospects or accounts, which are configured within your marketing automation tool and mapped directly back to DocSend. 

I link alle campagne di DocSend sono disponibili in diversi CRM, ma utilizzando Outreach o SalesLoft, il processo diventa ancora più semplice.

chrome extension campaign

Da Outreach o SalesLoft, è sufficiente aprire l'estensione di DocSend per Chrome, selezionare il contenuto che si desidera condividere dal menu a tendina e il link alla campagna verrà automaticamente copiato negli appunti.

La parte migliore? Se hai un elenco di destinatari configurato, non occorre che tu chieda ai visitatori di fornirti il loro indirizzo email prima che accedano ai tuoi materiali collaterali e sarai comunque in grado di vedere esattamente chi sta visualizzando i tuoi contenuti in DocSend.

Accesso a informazioni esclusive sui potenziali clienti su larga scala (una nota sui link Spawn)

Se ti stai chiedendo cosa sia un link Spawn, non ti biasimiamo. I link Spawn sono la modalità con cui DocSend è in grado di tracciare in modo indipendente l'interesse e le visite di ogni potenziale cliente in ogni account target. Questi nuovi link si generano man mano che vengono visitati quelli presenti nelle email per le campagne o nei link di unione delle email. Questo processo non compromette la possibilità di sapere quale link è associato a un determinato invio di email, in quanto l'URL di ogni link Spawn si riferisce al link originale della campagna.

4. See exactly which collateral helps close deals

Having x-ray vision into prospect engagement with your content is game-changing. Being able to access those analytics at scale and identify macro-level trends? Sounds impossible. However, DocSend delivers both, directly within your CRM. 

At DocSend, we leverage our native Salesforce integration to track our content across every stage in the buyer’s journey. We can see how specific pieces of content (like our old vs new sales decks, case studies, whitepapers, etc) impact prospect engagement, and finally understand which pieces of content actually drive conversion. If you’re not using Salesforce, you can leverage our Zapier integration to pull similar reports into HubSpot, Marketo, or another CRM. 

The list of what you can track and analyze is endless. If you're managing a sales team and you want to know when your reps are creating links, you can track that and get automated alerts. You can track how many visits are received for a particular rep, and then from a particular account and cohort. 

Once you get enough visit data, you can begin to build really interesting reports that correlate ROI with content pieces. For example, if you see that a specific whitepaper or case study generated 10 opportunities and 8 closed deals, you can make decisions based on that. It justifies greater spend on whitepapers or case studies since you can actually tie data to them. 

In the past, we would have no way of knowing the ROI on the sales content we were sending out. Now we’re able to track content throughout the entire sales process, all the way to deal size, win rate, and revenue attainment. We’re able to easily map all individual prospect activity in DocSend at the account-level back to our CRM. 

5. Get deals signed faster with a seamless eSignature experience

Ah, the moment of truth. If you’ve made it all the way to the final stage of a deal cycle the last thing you want is friction. Or worse: to be ghosted this late in the game. Our research shows that deals are closing faster than ever, with sales contracts getting signed about a day after they’re sent out for signature. 

DocSend arms sales reps with the power to securely share, track, and analyze critical sales documents and truly understand prospect behavior. Why not use the same tool to get those documents signed? Seamless and simple, DocSend gives you the insight you need to get your prospects through the funnel, and the speed you need to get them to sign. Within seconds, you can convert any document in DocSend into a signable one. It couldn’t be easier. 

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