Porady dla założycieli

How to find out if you've created a successful pitch deck

Czy chcesz się dowiedzieć, jak Twoja prezentacja ofertowa wypada na tle prezentacji innych założycieli firm będących we wczesnej fazie rozwoju? Narzędzie Pitch Deck Analyzer firmy DocSend ułatwia sprawdzenie tego bez ponoszenia jakichkolwiek kosztów.
Andrea Silvers
21 stycznia 2020
Creating a successful pitch deck

The fundraising process isn’t exactly a simple one. It takes a lot of work, and there are no guarantees. There’s no clear roadmap for founders to get the attention of an investor so they can raise the capital they need to start their company. But every founder can increase their odds of successfully fundraising by creating a great pitch deck. A pitch deck will usually go into the room before you, and stay long after. It gets you the meeting with a VC, starts the conversation, and answers the questions of your potential investors. But what makes a successful pitch deck?

After analyzing thousands of pitch decks that have raised hundreds of millions of dollars, we’ve discovered what can make or break your pitch. Our goal has always been to give founders an edge in the opaque, and often frustrating process, but we’re now taking it a step further with our free Pitch Deck Analyzer.

From our research, we’ve identified eleven powerful indicators of a pitch deck’s likelihood of success. These factors range from word density per slide to the makeup of your team to how you present your financials—and our Pitch Deck Analyzer can tell you how to shine in all of these areas and more. If you want to see this analysis applied to famous seed pitch decks you can read that here.

How many slides should you actually spend on your financials? How many slides should your pitch deck have at all? Are you talking too much about your product and not enough about the traction you’ve gained? If you are fundraising, you can have DocSend’s Pitch Deck Analyzer take a calculated look at your pitch deck and give you a score based on the factors that we know make a difference. You’ll know whether or not you're likely to have a successful pitch deck — and we’ll tell you exactly how you can improve. The Pitch Deck Analyzer is part of the DocSend Fundraising Network, so if your deck meets our quality bar for the network, we’ll also intro you to a list of firms where you match their criteria and can lead your funding round.

Creating a successful pitch deck takes a lot of work. There are a lot of opinions out there about how to do it right, but we can help. Based on extensive research, we know exactly how to put together a pitch deck that will increase your likelihood of getting funded.

Click here to try out our Pitch Deck Analyzer to help you get funded faster.

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