Aktualności DocSend

DocSend uznany przez G2 Crowd za najłatwiejsze do wdrożenia oprogramowanie wspomagające sprzedaż

Z przyjemnością informujemy, że portal G2 Crowd przyznał DocSend najwyższą ocenę w swoim pierwszym raporcie Sales Enablement Implementation Index.
Courtney Chuang
13 lutego 2018
docsend awarded highest implementation score in sales enablement by g2 crowd

We’re excited to share that software review platform G2 Crowd has awarded DocSend the highest implementation score in its first Sales Enablement Implementation Index Report.

G2 Crowd calculates each vendor’s implementation score using a number of key indicators. These include: Ease of setup, time to go live, implementation method, and user adoption.


Ranked first among today’s leading sales enablement products, DocSend was named by G2 Crowd as the “Most Implementable” solution and the one with the “Fastest Implementation.”

At DocSend, we believe a great product should possess three qualities: Smart, intuitive, and adopted. We’re proud to say that our community feels that same way about our product.

As the sales tech landscape continues to explode with more and more options, we’re doubling down on what we do best: Building a product that puts users - and usability - first.

DocSend works where you do, from your inbox to your CRM. And we’re committed to making it easier than ever for businesses to get the critical insight they need to get business done.

Over 4,500 companies rely on DocSend to connect their content to bottom-line outcomes - and close more deals, faster. See the difference DocSend can make for your business in our G2 Crowd reviews.

Want to learn more about DocSend?

Awesome, let’s chat! Request a demo today, or give us a call at (888) 258-5951.

Most Implementable Winter 2018Screen-Shot-2018-02-13-at-11.43.09-AM-1.png

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